goldendoodles as Service dogs
They lend a helping paw whenever and however their owner needs one, making Goldendoodles one of the top breeds used as service dogs.
Most popular types of Service dogs are:

Autism Assistance Dogs
Trained to assist in calming, teaching life skills, maintaining personal boundaries, finding a “runner”, etc. An overall companion.

Seizure Response Dogs
Trained to respond to their owners seizures via trained tasks. Such as retrieve medication, alert that a seizure will happen, alert a nearby person to help or call 911 via a special alert system when owner is not responding.

Mobility Support Dogs
Trained to provide bracing or counterbalancing for owners who have balance issues due to a disability.

Diabetic Alert Dogs
Trained to alert the owner when he/she has dangerous or potentially deadly blood sugar highs or lows. Some can even call 911 with a special K-9 Alert Phone if owner cannot be roused.

Hearing Dogs
Trained to alert hearing or deaf owners to specific environmental sounds; such as, alarms, doorbells, knocking, cars, or their name.

Medical Alert Dogs
Trained to alert the owner to their dangerous physiological changes such as blood pressure, hormone levels, etc.

Psychiatric Service Dogs
Trained to assist their owner with any type of task related to their Psychiatric disability such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD.

Allergy Alert Dogs
Trained to alert owner of life-threatening allergens that may be in the surrounding area, such as tree nuts, gluten, or shellfish.

Visual Assistance Dogs
Trained to help guide their visually impaired or blind owner.

Wheelchair Assistance Dogs
Trained to assist their owner by retrieving dropped objects, opening doors, helping with transfers, and anything else he/she needs.
Goldendoodles are born to do whatever helps or makes you happy.
Take a look at some of Arizona Goldendoodles as Service Dogs.
If you would like to add one of these wonderful dogs to service you or a family member please click on the following buttons for more information.