Puppy First-Aid Kit

Before you bring your puppy home for the first time you should put together a first-aid kit for emergencies.  Puppies can get into unexpected mischief and to be able to help him/her immediately would be better for you and your puppy.

See below for a specific list.

This is not a complete list and Arizona Goldendoodles does not hold any legal liability, when in doubt please contact your Veterinarian.

•  Adhesive Bandaging Tape

•  Antibacterial Soap

•  Antibiotic Ointment or Powder

•  Blanket or Towels

•  Cotton Balls

•  Disposable Gloves

•  Oral Syringe

•  Towel

•  Blanket

•  Ice/Heat Packs

•  Small Flashlight

•  Eyewash

•  Gauze Rolls

•  Hydrogen Peroxide

•  Milk of Magnesia

•  Syptic Powder

•  Benadryl

•  Saline Eye Solution

•  Muzzle – panty hose or stretchable gauze

•  Petroleum Jelly

•  Rubbing Alcohol

•  Scissors

•  Thermometer

•  Tweezers

•  Leash

•  Veterinarian Records

•  Veterinarians Phone Number and/or 24-hour Emergency Vet.